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本文分析了部分四川方言词语的民俗语源 ,并认为探究方言词语的语源 ,绝不应只拘泥于语言的内容研究 ,还应该结合其产生的一些文化背景  相似文献   
希尔伯特不仅以他卓著的数学成就闻名于世,而且提出了对20世纪数学发生重大影响的23个问题.本文分析了希尔伯特独到的问题观,即他根据数学发展历史和他的数学研究实践,明确了问题的价值、一个好问题的标准和问题的来源.希尔伯特关于问题的精辟论述,对我们今天从事科学研究,更好地发现问题、分析问题、研究问题具有广泛的指导意义.  相似文献   
论戴震与西学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
戴震是乾嘉学术的杰出代表,他从徽州乡野来到京师后,以素衣秀才的身份在很短时间内就"声重京师,名公卿争相交焉",其学术何以迅速得到认同,是当今学术界悬而未决的问题。文章通过梅文鼎、梅瑴成、江永、戴震等对待西学问题的考察,说明戴震在前人的基础上以"中学"替换"西学"的特有方式,使人耳目一新。其学术地位的迅速确立,与他在"西学东渐"的学术变革时期,适时地顺应了朝廷的文化心态有关,由此也凸显了传统士大夫在学术与政治之间的艰难应对。  相似文献   
文章以《莺莺传》、《霍小玉传》为切入口,认为寒门士子因追逐仕途经济之成功,不惜始乱终弃。而崔莺莺因出身甲姓,与出身卑微的霍小玉虽然处在同一时代,同为弃妇却命运殊途。作文者也因创作宗旨异趣而让后人评价不一。  相似文献   
对我国体育史学科的形成及其学术发展作一个历史性的回顾与总结,目的是总结历史,反思得失。针对当前体育史衰落现象进行剖析,并提出发展对策,以推动体育史学科向前发展。  相似文献   
就俚语在美国英语中占重要地位,它广泛应用于电影、电视及报刊杂志中,文章对美国俚语的起源和特点作一探讨。  相似文献   
With brilliant civilization during the transitional period from a original clan society to a state society in prehistory,the Neolithic Tenghualuo Site in Lianyungang was discovered by archaeological survey in 1989,which was titled as‘one of the nation’s ten great archeological discoveries in 2000’.However,the transgression and the anthropogenic environment deterioration have ever been employed to explain the abandonment of the site.Based on a dynasty framework established by the 14 C dating,and using the experimental methods such as micro-paleontology identification in foraminifera and charophytes, the content test of Rb and Sr,susceptibility analysis as well as granularity and sedimentary facies analysis,some researches on the sediments from the two exploration layers at Tenghualuo Site were conducted,and the following new findings have been gained:Firstly,foraminifera which are relevant to the marine environment were not found in the sediment layer,however,25 charales,which usually live in the freshwater environment,in 07LTT1 exploration samples were found.Among them,3 charales were found in the samples from the forth sediment layer below the late Longshan Cultural layer and 22 charates were from the second sediment layer above the late Longshan Cultural layer.Furthermore,5 plant seeds and 41 fungal spores,together with many carbonation holes,plant seed shells,as well as their roots and stems were also found in the second sediment layer above the late Longshan Cultural layer.Secondly,the cumulative probability curves of the sediments’granularity in both the last and its overlying culture intermittent layers have characteristics of three-phase river sediment curve,and the ratios between Rb and Sr are both quite high in samples from two layers sedimented during the disappearing time of the site.All above-mentioned evidences indicate that disappearance of the Tenghualuo Site was not related to the transgression.The late Longshan Culture of the site could be completely abandoned after a relatively long-ter  相似文献   
从闽西出土的古文物、汀州天后宫、定光古佛寺庙、姓氏祖墓宗祠、李友邦及台湾义勇总队活动遗迹等方面,论证闽西与台湾有关方面的渊源关系.  相似文献   
以礼为教作为张载思想的一个非常重要的方面,也是整个关学宗风重要特征的体现。本文从张载“受中庸”到“退居横渠”的生活世界出发,探讨了其“以礼为教”思想的形成过程,力图明晰其思想的源流,为进一步深入认识该思想的内涵乃至关学的要义都有着非常重要的意义。  相似文献   
关于吏人阶层的起源问题,现有的几种解释都不是很周全,特别是从官制角度把吏人视为人为压制的结果,这与唐宋之际身份解放的大潮流相违背,显然不合情理。有种种证据显示,吏人的前身应该是官府贱民,这些人在隋唐时期开始加入日渐卑冗的吏职,并可能通过流外制度升入官员行列。唐宋之际,这些人的身份也一样得到很大解放,宋朝对吏人的种种压制措施实际上并没有压低他们的地位,只是取消了他们通过流品制度升入士流的机会。  相似文献   
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